The Behavioral Health Crisis Continuum in Illinois Forum: Knowledge, Innovation, Action!

The Behavioral Health Crisis Hub convened The Behavioral Health Crisis Continuum in Illinois Forum Tuesday, June 11, 2024, in Chicago. This full day event, sponsored by the Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Mental Health, brought together 193 invited attendees to foster knowledge, innovation, and action in exploring behavioral health advancements, lessons learned, and best practices regarding crisis care


Evaluation results, agenda, speaker bios and headshots, speaker presentations, and select recordings can be accessed below.



Evaluation Results and Feedback Heading link

Speakers sit on stage. Left to Right Blanca Campos, Dr. Brian Hepburn, David Harris, Dr. Margie Balfour, Jackson Beck, Jodie Esquibel, Dr. Lorrie Jones, Anne Janks

Nearly half of Forum attendees completed an evaluation at or after the event. The Behavioral Health Crisis Hub compiled a summary report of the evaluation results and feedback.

Agenda Heading link

Audience members sit around a table and listen to presentation dressed in business casual attire

The Forum covered a range of topics, including the national landscape and best practices in behavioral health crisis care, advancements in crisis care in Illinois, emerging alternative response models, strategies for delivery of crisis services in rural communities, engaging and energizing stakeholders to plan and implement alternative response models, innovative strategies for addressing behavioral health workforce issues, Illinois model behavioral health crisis programs, and using advocacy to mobilize communities to action and financing and sustaining alternative response models.

Speakers Heading link

A stage with a banner that reads

Speakers included local, state, and national thought leaders in the areas of alternative and emerging crisis service delivery response models, workforce, mobilization of stakeholders, financing, crisis service delivery strategies in rural areas, and more.

Recordings Heading link

Dr. Lorrie Rickman Jones is standing next to a table where two people, Andy Hall and Dr. Amy Watson, are seated. All wearing business professional attire.

Recordings are only provided for a limited number of sessions due to technical issues beyond our control. However, the PowerPoint presentations for all sessions, when used, are available in the next section below. Please note that closed captioning is enabled for the recordings due to audio quality.

Presentations Heading link